Written by Alexandra Fleege in Pauline Potter’s Memory
Another Shore
a precious sight
a life lived well
a heart devoted
in His presence now does dwell
And as a ship would sail to another shore
the end of this life opens a new door
to a new and yet familiar place
where one truly sees face to face
the Saviour of their life
the Giver of their dreams
the Lover of their soul
their life fully redeemed
Can you hear the praise ring from above?
As another dear one enters His arms of love
As a new child being born the moment so precious and rare
Is the abundant entry into His kingdom
as one of His saints arrives there
The Lord awaiting as well as family
another has entered abundantly
And so arm in arm with Jesus they walk
A grandstand of glory revealed as they talk
a look over the bannister cheering as they see
a race going on with their earthly family
And so glimpse for a moment
through the clouds and the fog
that other shore known as evermore
evermore righteousness,
evermore peace,
evermore joy
An entry abundant and so full of grace
As a new life enters into His perfect place..........
2 Peter 1 :11 For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
19th September 2009
In the last few years of her life my Mother suffered from failing sight due to wet macular degeneration and had a total of around 20 injections into her eye to try and preserve some sight. This did help her and I feel that every effort should be made to aid those who are researching a cure for this type of sight loss.
17th September 2009
Pauline Potter was my Mother-in-Law. She was intelligent, generous, thoughtful and feisty. She was a most determined person who never gave up, and I for one thought she was indestructible. Over the last few years her physical health deteriorated, but her spirit remained as strong as ever, in fact, only a few days before she unexpectedly died, she looked forward to coming home and continuing her eventful life-style.
May you rest in the halls of your ancestors Mum, for your earthly difficulties are now over.
I will miss you.
Peter Kennedy.
From Peter on 17/09/2009